On 14 March 2002, BBC Television in the United Kingdom will present a 1-hour documentary covering our work on the Archimedes Palimpsest on its "BBC Horizons" show. Further information about this telecast may be found at:

What is this blue background?

The blue pattern in the background has not been visible to the human eye for over 1,000 years! It comes from a 10th century manuscript containing faint traces of the only extant record of geometry treatises created by Archimedes. This text was intentionally obliterated during the twelfth century so that the parchment could be overwritten by a prayer text.

Together with researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the Rochester Institute of Technology, Equipoise Imaging has pioneered the recovery of the original Archimedean text and mathematical figures. To do this, we combine innovative fluorescence and visible light imaging with unique image processing algorithms.

... science of the arts